
A Steady Hand A Trusted Advisor Valued Experience Global Insight

AF Capital helps companies find solutions to the many problems that confront businesses today. With a cadre of experienced business executives, we can provide hands-on help to identify problems and opportunities, develop positive workout strategies, and organize teams to implement effective solutions.

Examples of common, yet increasingly complex problems where AF Capital can help include:

  • Need to Restructure: Following a merger or acquisition where you want to strengthen the core business and/or address non-essential businesses and overhead.
  • Cash Flow Decline: Your primary market is in decline and your cash flow is getting seriously low.
  • Underperforming or Failing Business Units: A business unit is continually failing to meet sales and profit goals and objectives, and you are concerned about throwing good money after bad.
  • Changing or Shrinking Markets: Your market is changing and you are not sure how to refocus your strategic plans to keep your company growing and profitable over the next 10 to 20 years.
  • Monetizing Intellectual Property: You have valuable intellectual properties or technologies, but are not sure how to maximize their value or take them to market to add to profits and cash flow.
  • Capital Sourcing: You need capital for stability and growth, but cannot develop the business and/or financial plans nor find the right sources to provide that capital; we can assist in building the framework for this process.

Frequently, these issues demonstrate a need for management to revise, revitalize and/or restructure strategic plans, operations and organization. Too often, trendy solutions sound good, but will not work within the culture of the current management or the overall organization, and expensive strategic plans all too often become just another 3-ring binder on the company’s bookshelf. 

Having extensive experience implementing solutions ourselves, we understand what it takes to successfully drive a business forward. We have the intellectual firepower, vast international experience, and the innovative awareness to help you find the solutions that will work for your organization and business.

Our services typically focus on five core areas:

“The bottom line is the result of everything above it.”